Home 9 CSR

CSR: a comprehensive approach for each of our services

Mobility – Travel

AD’HOC RESEARCH systematically encourages collaborators to use public transportation or other soft transportation modes.

Work commute

Maximising work commute with public transportation (train + urban public transportation networks).


Low emission company vehicles

Using a company hybrid – petrol-electric – vehicle as part of certain missions of quality service measuring.

All players involved who need to travel as part of our services (interviewers and supervisors to carry out studies, but also project managers, research executives, moderators…) do so only via public transportation or other soft transportation modes, mostly via public transportation.

Lowering our consumptions

Energy consumption

The office building where AD’HOC RESEARCH is located was designed with a double-skin facade. It is equipped with an optimised air conditioning/heating system.

We encourage the reasoned use of IT equipment (standby mode, shutdown in the evening, etc.) and consumption of utilities (water, electricity, etc.)
The entire office space is equipped with LED light bulbs.
Optimised programming of heating hours and temperature (between 18 and 20 °C).


Limiting paper print-outs – leaning towards “zero paper”

Limiting print-outs/”optimised” printing (several pages/double-sided pages).
Reusing paper as drafts for documents that are not intended for clients.
The digitisation of social management documents has reduced printed documents by 95%.
Online teams recruitment process
In-person study briefings, and access to online training material afterwards.
Additional telephone or videoconference briefing.
Carrying out studies: collection via smartphone/tablet, telephone or online.
Digital transfer of data.
Digitisation of deliverables via Power BI® reviewing and downloading extranet.


Promoting the everyday use of recyclable material

Promoting the use of one’s own individual and sustainable cutlery, glasses, mugs, reusable water bottles, etc.



Need to take care of the IT equipment entrusted to collaborators.
Raising awareness as to regular cleaning and archiving of mailboxes, as well as to the impact of sending large emails to numerous recipients.

Sustainable purchases

We make sure to favour the purchase of sustainable – ideally local – products as part of our activity.


Office supplies

Almost all office supplies are manufactured nationally.

Clothing for our field teams

The vests worn by field interviewers are sustainable vests:
They comply with EC safety rules and the ISO 20471 norm that ensures that clothes will be very visible.
Amfori BSCI certified: they are produced under a strong code of conduct that guarantees good working conditions, without child labour.
Manufactured from natural and recycled material, their delivery is carbon-neutral.


Whenever we require printing services, we call on an Imprim’vert®-certified local provider.

Recycling – waste sorting

IT equipment – Telephones

We make sure that our electronic waste (including computers and telephones) is recycled, reused or refurbished by giving them to specialised companies.


Waste sorting

All waste is sorted out within the company.
Annual sorting operation of paper archives, processed by a specialised professional.

Social and societal approaches

Contractualisation mode with the teams

Interviewers are commissioned as part of a study contract as defined by the Syntec Federation within the framework of the Collective Agreement applicable to the Staff of Technical Research Units, engineering consultant offices and consulting companies (Convention Collective Nationale applicable au Personnel des Bureaux d’Études Techniques, des Cabinets d’Ingénieurs-Conseils et des Sociétés de Conseils).


Favouring professional integration, including that of people more remote from employment

Whenever possible, we strive to recruit profiles that can have their professional integration facilitated by the survey mission (older people, students, self-employed people, people looking for extra income).

Some of our missions can be a “stepping stone towards integration”:

By providing certain profiles with an experience that can be valued on the job market in the long run; thanks to mastering collection and communication technological tools and the ability to follow instructions and render precise information.

Some of our missions are a stepping stone to realising a project:

The kind of missions that we offer allows for a part-time work schedule and leaves people free to look for a permanent job, to go back to school at the same time as earning an income or to set up a business, cultural or non-profit project, while benefitting from a structuring and flexible activity.


Integration of disabled people

AD’HOC RESEARCH has made a commitment to “help through work” facilities and services (établissements et services d’aide par le travail, ESAT) in the field of production, packaging, and office supplies made by disabled people and in protected workshops, for one-off moving, decluttering or other missions.


Other societal action

Supporting charities with donations and by allowing their collaborators to participate in solidarity days.

AD’HOC RESEARCH partners with Tom Mallet, skipper of the French disabled sailing team.


A philosophy: diversity and inclusion

Fighting against discrimination is at the heart of the company’s management, at the level of both its permanent and temporary teams.

Diversity of ages, genders, cultures, religions, ethnicities and disabilities: a variety of profiles that gives everyone a sense of belonging, of team spirit and is a guarantee of performance.