Brand Experience
Measuring the emotional perception of your brand
Competitive differentiation, perceived value creation: studies to grow your brands.
A strong and well-positioned brand is a driver of growth. It fosters competitive differentiation, creates perceived value, promotes customer retention, allows for range and market expansion, and generates positive recommendations.
Our studies help companies create consistent and positive experiences that strengthen customer retention and improve their positioning on the market.
Discover our qualitative, quantitative and hybrid studies solutions
Our BrandExperiencestudies
Our offer is to analyse the emotions and perceptions of your customers through their interactions with all contact points of your brand.
Whether they are one-off or barometric, these studies allow you to get to know the reality of the customer’s experience with and perception of your brand through your communication, offer of products or services, name, visual identity and all interactions with various distribution channels.
Brand image and brand tracking
We take stock of current attributes associated with the brand, consumers’ experiences and generated emotions. Once the reference is established, brand tracking determines how effective marketing efforts are.
Campaign pre and post-test
Optimising the ROI of marketing and advertising measures, by assessing brand association, memorisation of key messages,
purchase intent, as well as changes in attitudes and behaviours.
Awareness study
As an indicator of the brand’s visibility on the market, our spontaneous and assisted method to measure awareness allows us to assess the efficacy of marketing investments to increase brand recognition.
Logo, name testing
Assessment of the alignment of visual and textual elements with the brand’s personality, the interest raised among consumers and their engagement.
Price testing
An approach that focuses on the relative importance of each attribute of the product in the purchase decision, in order to understand how the demand for the product varies according to price evolution.
Message testing
Assessment of attractiveness, convincing power and indifference among each target group to improve the efficacy of the message and its persuasive power.
Discover our other fields of expertise